10 October 2021

VIBRAVOID – Zeitgeist Generator (2022, 2LP Stoned Karma Records)




Label: Stoned Karma Records

Edition ZG1: 2LP, Album, Limited Edition, REGULAR NORMAL SLEEVE, Random Marble Color Vinyl (including 6-page Zeitgeist Generator Songbook), 500 copies

Edition ZG2: 2LP+CD*, Album, Limited Edition, OP ART COVER (DELUXE GATEFOLD SLEEVE), Random Marble Colored Vinyl (including 6-page Zeitgeist Generator Songbook with CD), 4-page LP size insert, 200 copies

Edition ZG3: 2LP+CD*, Album, Limited Edition, OP ART COVER (DELUXE GATEFOLD SLEEVE), Random Marble Colored Vinyl (including 6-page Zeitgeist Generator Songbook with CD), Deluxe Puzzle, 4-page LP size insert, 200 copies

Edition ZG4: 2LP+CD*, Album, Limited Edition, PLEXI COVER (DELUXE GATEFOLD SLEEVE with DELUXE PLEXI DISC OP ART EFFECT), Random Marble Colored Vinyl (including 6-page Zeitgeist Generator Songbook with CD), Deluxe Puzzle, 4-page LP size insert, 1 circular insert, Plexi disc op-art set, poster, signed and numbered by the artist, 100 copies

Edition ZG5: 2LP+2LP+CD*, Album, Limited Edition, PLEXI COVER (DELUXE GATEFOLD SLEEVE with DELUXE PLEXI DISC OP ART EFFECT),2LP Random Marble Colored Vinyl, 2LP black vinyl white label edition with alternative mix with special sleeve (including 6-page Zeitgeist Generator Songbook with CD), Deluxe Puzzle, 4-page LP size insert, 1 circular insert, special OP ART PLEXI DISC OBJECT, poster, signed and numbered by the artist, 20 copies

Edition ZG6: CD, Album

*CD contains different mix and running order of ZEITGEIST GENERATOR blending all tracks without pause to create a different listening experience

Release Date: April-March 2022


Vibravoid “The unstoppable ACID-PSYCH Machine” is back with a new album! “Zeitgeist Generator” is the follow-up LP to 2020’s “The Decomposition Of Noise”. “Zeitgeist Generator” is an album that was made during the strange pandemic Covid19 days. It was ready for release last April, but due to the catastrophic situation at vinyl pressing plants worldwide, there’s a significant delay of over one year! A one-year delay for an album by a band may be ‘no big deal for a music fan or a supporter of the band, but sure it is a BIG DEAL for the band, the artist itself! The consequences of such a dealy could be far more than destructive and in most cases, it’s a ‘survival issue’, but anyway, this is another Sign O’ the Times that we have to deal with, to overcome…
So, let’s start focusing on the music of this double album. It’s October (08, 2021), and since the album is scheduled for release sometime in March-April 2022, I do not have the 2 records set in my possession yet, so I’m reviewing it by an audio file that Christain send me and specifically is the CD version, with a different mix and a running order, blending all tracks without pause to create a different listening experience… All songs and music and instruments and everything are done by the Doktor, Christian Koch, in his own home studio recording. Dr. Koch, call his music with the Vibravoid “Op-Art Rock”, because he is so disgusted by the Nowadays “scene”, where bands are using the words “Psychedelia” and “Acid” to describe their ‘slow-metal-shit’, and I do not blame him at all! He is absolutely right… So, the music on “Zeitgeist Generator” is Op-Art Rock (according to the Doktor) but for me is pure Psychedelic Rock, Psychedelia of the 21st century I may call it. The sound in the album is definitely Psych and of course, the music in here gives subsistence to words like ACID or FUZZ… And now that we ‘put things in their place’ let’s start unfolding this musical psychedelic skein that is called “Zeitgeist Generator”. The album kicks off with “The Cutting Edge” and by the very first second, when you push the play button, the Psychedelic Vibravoid Generator starts to produce electrical Acid Psych musical waves, colorful sonic waves that push you to… DANCE! The powerful dance beat may fool you and think that this is dance music… BUT! There’s a lot of ACID guitar sound and tremendous PSYCH atmos at the back with countless effects… So, what is going on here? Yes, Christian warned me that after listening you would have the desire to go dancing naked around Acropolis, but I sure didn’t expect this! Can you dance to Psychedelic music? Of course, you can! And do not forget that this “psychedelic-dance” thing was going on daily during the glorious 60s Psych days, so why not now? We have already passed to “Prana”, maximum power, fresh beats are mixing with some amazing mind-blowing “guitar-sounds-like-sitar” sounds! There’s a short break in the middle of the track where you can really feel kind of scared or whatever, but this ‘trick’ makes the tune even more danceable! Needless to say that the whole atmosphere is sprayed with some serious amounts of Acid guitar… I can only imagine the effects of this track while listening at maximum power and under strobe lights… The environment on “Kingdom Of Insanity” remains uplifting, the psych-dance scenery becomes even more Psych-ier, indicating the most sweetened Acid Sound (in my ears) that I heard for a long long time now… So, this means what? Vibravoid went Pop and friendly listenable? No!!! Dr. Koch, probably discovered a formula, a Psych Formula where he can make the Acid Sound more “admissible” in the ears! Wow! The next one is called “Acid Vision” and it’s exactly what the title implies, New Aged Psychedelic Rock providing the listener multiple Acid Visions, it feels like my ears and my brain is having a Psychedelic Orgasm! This is Heady Dance Acid Rock that is freely given to the uninitiated audience… Probably, this is the dawn of a new era in Modern Psychedelic music (the first sample of this new era was given to us by the track “You Keep On Falling” in 2011…) What follows, is the song that was released prior to the album as a Digital Single, a precursor, it is called “Dance On Mars”… “Dance to the Music” Sly Stone used to say back in 1968… Fast forward to 2021… “Dance to Vibravoid”! There’s a complex Psych-Acid soundscape, this is ruthless perspiration across the most colorful dancefloor inside your Mynd! On “You Are All Too Much”, acid fuzzy guitars and numerous psych-a-space sound effects are creating another Dance-y Psych-a-delic anthem… “On A Monday Night” is a much more cooler song, the Acid sound is here too but presented in a mellower way… “…feeling great on a Monday evening…”… Definitely! “My Energy” is an Acid-Psych-Rock tune with an intense Pop complexity without getting away from the familiar Psychotic Vibravoid Acid experimental sounding… On “Going Wrong” the tempo/speed is being reduced, the song dives into Acid Psychedelia, pushing the Fuzzy guitar to the edge while all these pedal-effects connected to the guitar are creating a mysterious freak acidly-drenched environment… “… do you know where you belong, can you say what’s going on…”… The beat comes back on “The Game”, the Vibra-Sound is here (not that it ever left…), superb guitar effects along with that trademark Vibravoid guitar sound are resulting in another distortically blended Dance-y tune! Titles like “Breath Of A Cat” make you wonder how Dr. Koch is picking names for his creations/songs, the music in here is futuristic while the tune acts like an acidly drenched dance-a-delic anthem… another one… Yes! The Psych-Rock “She’s A Dope” emerges a warm “Shiny Happy People” feeling making the tune a Popsike nugget of the 21st century… For the next one, we were very lucky to have a taste as it was included on the “Music For Amphibians” Friends of the Fish CD by Fruits de Mer Records, it is called “Wehrhahn Wah Wah” and simply is our standard dose of some Superior Op-Art Acid Rock Psychedelia, futuristic, Cosmic, ethereal, Krauty, dreamy, and exceptional! Going to the closing with the 16 minutes “A Taste Like Sugar (Raga For Op Art Beats)”, mind-bending percussions, a Psych-a-tropic beat, an Acid Sound, shamelessly flirting with late 80s British House music, break-beat, a tribal rhythm, sugar-listic and spice-adelic… leading to possible brain damage… Kozmique hypnotic Danc-id… a half-conscious state where the body doesn’t follow the mind… Yeap, this is a tune that managed to separate the Body from the Mind… and the Soul!… “Repeat Percussions (Raga For Op Art Sounds)” is the last track, everything by now has become darker, creepier, trippier…

Vibravoid delivered to the world another Blow-Mynder! “Zeitgeist Generator” is non-retro Psychedelic Music. It’s music for the future… It’s an album that takes Psychedelia one step further, one step higher if you prefer… A Psych-Danceploitation album! “Zeitgeist Generator” will implant a strobe light in your brain and it’s going to lead your Mynd into a frenetic Dance-a-Delic Orgy! An album that captures the Zeitgeist of the Modern Psychedelic Music! A New Experience In Sound… TimeLord Michalis 



1 The Cutting Edge 4:39
2 Prana 4:55
3 Kingdom Of Insanity 5:54
4 Acid Vision 5:04
5 Dance On Mars 4:42
6 You Are All Too Much 3:35
7 On A Monday Night 5:14
8 My Energy 3:40
9 Going Wrong 4:17
10 The Game 4:02
11 Breath Of A Cat 3:04
12 She’s Dope 3:54
13 Wehrhahn Wah Wah 4:18
14 A Taste Like Sugar (Raga For Op Art Beats) 16:16
15 Repeat Percussions (Raga For Op Art Sounds) 2:43


Pre-Order the Album through STONED KARMA RECORDS

Visit VIBRAVOID official Web

Check VIBRAVOID Facebook





4 Responses

  1. Pingback : TimeMachine Productions » Q&A w/ Dr. Koch of Vibravoid

  2. Pingback : TimeMachine Productions » TimeLord Michalis’ Best Albums of 2021 (Top 50)

  3. Pingback : TimeMachine Productions » VIBRAVOID – The Presidents Of The Poison Air (2022, LP/CD Stoned Karma Records)

  4. Pingback : TimeMachine Productions » VIBRAVOID – Over The Edge (2023, LP/CD Stoned Karma Records)

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